Dani de Morón & Patricia Guerrero

With artists like Dani de Morón (1981) flamenco has a bright future. Born and raised in the southern Spanish guitar city, Morón de la Frontera, this exceptional guitarist is a natural at the traditional “alzapúa” style of playing, where the thumb is used to make the lower strings swing. At the same time he manages to draw the most wonderful new moods and harmonies from his strings. His third album, 21, where he has surrounded himself with all the great singers of this century, establishes Dani de Morón as the leader of a new Spanish guitar generation, making the flamenco tradition flourish in the 21st century.
He will bring a superb all-star flamenco cast to the Netherlands, including no less than three gypsy singers, who also contributed to his album: Duquende, Antonio Reyes, Jesús Méndez, the famous hand-clapping twins Los Mellis, and the hottest dancer of the moment, Patricia Guerrero. With their support De Morón will demonstrate why he is regarded as one of the best guitarists of his generation and why the “toque”, the flamenco guitar tradition, could not be in better hands.
Dani de Morón was Artist in Residence at the 2019 Flamenco Biennial and also toured the Netherlands as guitarist and composer with Patricia Guerrero’s show Distopía.