Eduardo Guerrero & Slagwerk Den Haag
¡Kick – Pluck – Planta – Tacón – Tap – Clap – Clack!

Drumming feet, clapping hands, clicking fingers, clattering castanets, brilliantly timed olé’s: no art from is more percussive than flamenco. Renowned percussion group Slagwerk Den Haag and phenomenal dancer (and rhythm box) Eduardo Guerrero challenge each other with lots of pep and power and in a thrilling percussive “battle”.
In this new festival creation the rising star from Cadiz employs body and feet as percussion instruments in a landscape he has never entered before. The traditional “zapateado”, the flamenco feet rhythms, and the “pure flamenco body” acquire a whole new meaning.
Is this still flamenco? Sí!