
Tres Golpes_Redux

30-31 Aug 2024
30-31 Aug 2024

Cantaor Tomás de Perrate, Perrate for short, is a unique voice in contemporary flamenco. He carries on the lineage of a ‘gitano’ family dynasty from Utrera that has produced legendary singers. With his deep timbre and raw lamento, he effortlessly switches between undiluted 'cante jondo' and new musical horizons.

In his latest project ‘Tres Golpes’ - Three Beats - Perrate presents a totally unique interpretation of age-old flamenco styles such as tonás, romances, seguiriyas and seguidillas. He masterfully connects them to new vocal experiments, and also delves deep into popular baroque music styles such as folías, chaconas and jácaras. The album, produced by Raül Refree (known from Rosalía), was voted best flamenco album of the year by the Spanish newspaper El País.

In a dream combo with master guitarist Alfredo Lagos, Perrate performs 'Tres Golpes_Redux’ in concert: a timeless journey through the history of the flamenco. Special guest Leonor Leal frames this musical trip with sure-fire dance drawings. With percussionist Antonio Moreno the trio becomes a quartet in the BIMHUIS.

The ‘cante jondo’ always sings in the night … In the midst of darkness, she shoots golden arrows that pierce our hearts. – Federico García Lorca

Rock music and drumming in a band was the passion of ladies’ hairdresser Tomás de Perrate’ (1964). Until his brother asked him to step in during recordings after several singers failed to turn up. The rest is history.
Tomás Fernández Soto, ‘Tomás de Perrate’ was born in 1964 in Utrera, a key vocal stronghold, the son of the famous singer Perrate de Utrera. His grandfather Manuel Torre (1880-1933) was one of the greatest 'gitano' singers of all time. It was said that he ‘took the guts out of you, made the blood stream out of your body’ when he was feeling inspired. This legendary cantador also famously said: ‘tó lo que tiene soníos negros, tiene duende’, ‘everything that has black sounds has duende.’
Perrate picked up the family tradition in 1999 and since then has been regarded as one of the leading singers on the flamenco scene.

Surprising, original, a musical voyage of discovery. The black sounds in the throat of Tomás de Perrate and his deep archaic timbre are ideal for a journey to old, pre-flamenco musical forms (from the XVII century) like the chaconne, and the jácara.

El País

Every note, every gesture across Tres Golpes is deeply felt, part of an artistic legacy that reaches back across the centuries. Yes, this is flamenco, but not as you have ever heard it before. Tres Golpes is ambient, dissonant and raw, as it breaks free of the genre’s constraints to create a groundbreaking album of avant European music-making.

Klof Mag

Don’t describe Leonor Leal as a flamenco dancer; dance artist is a better word. Unorthodox… Dance that comes from within and moves beyond the confines of the flamenco tradition.


Tres Golpes_Redux


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Tres Golpes_Redux
Stream30 Aug. 2024
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Tres Golpes_Redux
Stream30 Aug. 2024

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