Tino van der Sman – Arturo Ramón – Joes Wieggers

Al jaren zijn ze toonaangevend in de Nederlandse flamencoscene en ook in Spanje maken ze naam, maar nog nooit waren ze samen op een podium te horen. Tino van der Sman en Arturo Ramón stelden op verzoek van de Flamenco Biënnale Nederland een programma samen voor de achtste editie van het festival waarin de liefde voor de flamencogitaar centraal staat. Voor deze gelegenheid nodigen ze het opkomend talent Joes Wieggers uit, die net als Tino in Spanje woont en werkt. Van der Sman studeerde af aan het Codarts conservatorium in het geboortejaar van Joes. Arturo Ramón in 2003 en is er sinds 2020 werkzaam als docent. Snaren en stijlen van drie Nederlandse flamencogitaristen verbinden zich in wat een memorabel gitaarrecital gaat worden: Guitarra Pura. En niet van de koude grond! Een avond voor de liefhebber.

Tino van der Sman
Tino van der Sman has been living in Seville since 1999 and has become an integral part of the Andalusian flamenco scene. As one of only a few foreign guitarists, he has built a reputation as a dance accompanist, sharing the stage with such dance greats as Israel Galván, Ana Morales, Úrsula López, Isabel Bayón, Pastora Galván and Antonio Canales.
He has performed at the Metropolitan in New York, the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam and the Queen Elizabeth Theatre in Toronto. As a studio musician he has recorded with Estrella Morente, Jorge Pardo, Sal Marina, Arcángel, Rocío Márquez and many others. Lately, Van der Sman has turned to classical music, finding inspiration in Messiaen, Schönberg and Debussy. He is currently working on new compositions which explore the atonal possibilities of flamenco.
Arturo Ramón
Arturo Ramón was born in The Hague in 1981 to a Dutch mother and a Spanish father. At the age of 11 he took up the guitar and at 15 he went to the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague to study classical guitar.
Soon after, he came into contact with flamenco and he has devoted himself to the flamenco guitar ever since. In 2003 he graduated from the Rotterdam Codarts University for the Arts, before becoming a teacher there in September 2020. In 2008/9 he and his wife, the singer Ermínia Fernández Córdoba, toured with the Internationaal Danstheater company. In 2011, during the third Flamenco Biennial Netherlands, he played works by modern composers Florian Magnus Maier and Mauricio Sotelo with the Nieuw Ensemble, conducted by Ed Spanjaard. Arturo Ramón has more than won his spurs in the Dutch music scene. His virtuosity and sense of rhythm and melody make him one of the most complete guitarists in the Netherlands.
Joes Wieggers
Since Joes Wieggers, born in Eindhoven, went to Málaga when he was 18 to immerse himself in flamenco guitar music, he has been known as ‘El Tuli’ (Tulipán – Tulip). He studied with Paco Peña at Codarts in Rotterdam and at Conservatorio Superior Rafael Orozco in Córdoba.
Joes Wieggers loves the traditional flamenco repertoire of guitarists like Diego del Gastor, Melchor de Marchena, Manuel Morao and Parilla de Jérez. He is making his mark in Spain as an accompanist to singers like Israel Fernández, Agujetas Chico, Bernardo Miranda and Raul ‘El Troya’. Tino van der Sman says ‘Joes’ flamenco is like a black-and-white movie’.