Sara Cano

A Palo Seco

14-29 Jan 2017
14-29 Jan 2017

For this original and new creation, the Dutch Flamenco Biennial brought the Dutch-Indian choreographer/dancer Kalpana Raghuraman into contact with the choreographer/dancer from Madrid, Sara Cano. The two talented young artists find parallels in a common dance vocabulary and a curiosity for leaving the paths of their own genre; respectively Indian and flamenco dance.

With this performance, Cano won the first prize for solo choreography in the 23rd competition for Spanish and flamenco dance in 2014. And with good reason!

Dans Magazine 01 Nov. 2017
Sara Cano

A Palo Seco

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Sara Cano
A Palo Seco
Stream14 Jan. 2017
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Sara Cano
A Palo Seco
Stream14 Jan. 2017

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