Manuel Liñán & Paula Comitre


08-17 Dec 2023
08-17 Dec 2023

Dance workshops

The workshop and masterclass programme of the Flamenco Biennial offers amateurs and professionals the chance to develop their art, under the guidance of international artists that perform in this ninth edition of the festival.

These workshops are organised in collaboration with dance company ICK, Terremoto in Amsterdam, Dance d'Ali in Groningen and Masflamenco in Utrecht. You can register for the classes directly through them.

Masterclass Manuel Liñán

11 December 10:00 - 13:00 ICK Space for Dance Art, Amsterdam Nieuw West

Accessible masterclass for intermediate, advanced and professional dancers. Experience with flamenco is not required.

Workshops Paula Comitre

Amsterdam: three day workshop at 3 levels

Alegría, Petenera, Martinete-Seguiriya are the ‘palos’ that Paula Comitre will teach at Stichting Terremoto Amsterdam on 8, 9 and 10 December.

Level: Intermedio Bajo (2–4 years experience)
Palo: Alegría – three days, 1h per lesson
Times: 8 Dec: 18.00-19.00, 9 Dec: 19.00-20.00, 10 Dec: 21.00-22.00
Price: €95

Level: Intermedio (4 – 6 years experience)
Palo: Peterna + Mantón – 3 dagen, 1u 25min per les
Times: 8 Dec: 19.05-20.30, 9 Dec: 17.30-18.55, 10 Dec: 19.30-20.55
Price: €135

Level: Avanzado ( > 7 years experience)
Palo: Martinete - Seguiriya – 3 dagen, 1u 25min per les
Times: 8 Dec: 20.35-22.00, 9 Dec: 16.00-17.25, 10 Dec: 18.00-19.25
Price: €135
More information and registration:

Groningen: two-day workshop Tango & Alegría

In Groningen Dance D’ Ali is hosting a two-day course with these summery palos.

Level: Intermedio (3 - 6 years experience)
Palo: Tango
Times: 12 Dec & 13 Dec: 19.00-20.15
Price: €65

Level: Avanzado ( > 6 years experience)
Palo: Alegría
Times: 12 Dec & 13 Dec: 20.30-21.45
Price: €65

Utrecht: Bata de Cola Intensive

Maneuvering with the Bata de Cola, the long train, is an art in itself. Sunday 17 December 2023 Paula Comitre will give three Bata-intensives at Mas Flamenco in Utrecht. Also for beginners!

Beginners: 11.00-12.15 (75min, €35)
Advanced-professionals: 12.15-13.30 (75min, €35)
Mail or call to:, 06-21698384

Manuel Liñán & Paula Comitre


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Manuel Liñán & Paula Comitre
Stream08 Dec. 2023
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Manuel Liñán & Paula Comitre
Stream08 Dec. 2023

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